Preventative Dental Services

Preventative Dental Services

Scale and Cleaning

This is an important part of your routine checkup. Scaling and cleaning removes the hardened plaque buildup (tartar) on your teeth and helps to keep your gums healthy. We have an Oral Health Therapist/Hygienist that is trained and specialises in cleaning of teeth.


Fluoride has been proven to strengthen tooth enamel and thus make teeth more resistant to decay (cavities). We provide topical fluoride treatments after your scale and clean as part of your regular checkups.

X-rays (Bitewings)

These x-rays are important as they enable the gaps between your teeth and under old fillings to be visualised. We recommend taking these at regular intervals depending on your individual risk factors (approximately 2-3years). People that have a high risk of tooth decay may need to have these x-rays taken more frequently.